- 2021-05-06 《New Phytologist》发表华健教授团队“HsfA1d promotes hypocotyl elongation under chilling via enha...
- 2021-03-30 《PNAS》发表多倍体团队“DNA hypomethylation in tetraploid rice potentiates stress-responsive gene...
- 2021-03-18 《The Plant Cell》发表多倍体团队“Altered chromatin architecture and gene expression during polyp...
- 2020-11-23 《Global Change Biology》发表罗卫红教授团队“The impact of global dimming on crop yields isdeterm...
- 2020-11-20 《Molecular Plant 》发表华健教授团队“Arabidopsis Immune-Associated Nucleotide-binding genes inhi...
- 2020-09-07 《Remote Sensing of Environment》发表程涛教授“Improved estimation of leaf chlorophyll content of...
- 2020-08-04 《The Plant Cell》发表许冬清教授实验室“COLD-REGULATED GENE 27 integrates signals from light and ...
- 2020-07-15 《The Plant Journal》发表许冬清教授实验室“BBX28/BBX29-HY5-BBX30/31 form a feedback loop to fine-...
- 2020-06-18 《Plant Physiology》发表华健教授团队“Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel 14 and 16 promote toler...
- 2020-04-21 《NatureGenetics》发表宋庆鑫教授:所有五个异源四倍体棉花起源被厘清
- 2019-12-21 《PNAS》 发表万建民院士团队“An R2R3 MYB transcription factor confers brown planthopper resistanc...
- 2019-12-02 《New Phytologist》发表大豆团队李艳教授“Natural variation and selection in GmSWEET39 affect soyb...
- 2019-12-02 《PNAS》发表了许冬清教授实验室“BBX4, a phyB interacting and -modulated regulator, directly inter...
- 2019-11-25 《Nature Comm. 》发表万建民院士团队“Genome-wide associated study identifies NAC42-activated nitr...
- 2019-11-13 《Plant Physiology》发表张红生教授团队“OsSYP121 Accumulates at Fungal Penetration Sites and Medi...